The 10 faces Rudraksha have ten natural lines on its surface and embodies Gods of all the ten directions(dikpal). Since Lord Vishnu is considered the Dashavtara this rudraksha has the blessing of 10 gods and from 10 directions. As this Mukhi is ruled by Lord Vishnu, so it represents Lord Krishna, the 8th Avatar of Lord Vishnu also , who is the preserver of the whole world. The 10 Mukhi Rudraksha has immense benefits such as psychological, medical, physical and many other general benefits. It helps the wearer to have strong will power and ultimately it makes one energetic. Evil energies, discarnate entities, shadow entities, evil spirits and Brahmarakshas keep away from the house or the person who wears the 10 Mukhi Rudraksha. The effects of black magic and evil eye are nullified.
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